Barefoot Bowls
For information about bowling please call - (02) 9980 6922
Arranging a corporate event for your workplace? Looking for something different for that family function?
Contact our Functions Coordinator on 9980 8500 or memberservices@wphsportsclub.com.au for more information
Weekly Bowls Schedules
Monday: Greens closed
Tuesday: Ladies' Bowls - 10:00am start
Wednesday: Men's Bowls - 12:15pm card call Ladies Welcome
Thursday: Twilight Bowls - 5pm start (summer schedule only)
Friday: Mixed Mufti Social Bowls - 12:15pm card call
Saturday: Mixed Social Bowls - 12:15pm card call
For Wednesday bowls and Saturday mixed social bowls, please list your name on the board in the bowls room, or alternatively call our bowls office between 10.30am and 11.30am, Wednesday and Saturday mornings on (02) 9980 6922. For further information regarding competition and weekly social bowls, please contact Martin Reedy:
Mobile: 0418 284 118
Email: msecretary@wphsbowls.com.au
Men’s Bowls
Ross Iredale - 0414 469 073
Email the President
Martin Reedy - 0418 284 118
Email the Secretary
Chair of Coaches
Kevin Tuckerman - 0409 114 577
Max Walters
Women’s Bowls
Vice- President
Kay Iredale
Email the Secretary
Lyn Van Wyk
Our Blog
Learn more on our Koala Blog